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Maximise online sales and security, while minimising fraud and friction for eligible ecommerce transactions up to €500 (or equivalent).

What is Transaction Risk Analysis and how does it help?

Strong Customer Authentication, also known as SCA, was one of the practical changes introduced across Europe by the second Payment Services Directive (PSD2).

The directive intended to make modern, cross-border digital payments easier, faster, and safer for everyone.

But it also introduced more friction in the payments journey leading to more cart abandonment, where customers bail out at the checkout stage.

“If your business has a high volume of low-risk transactions, Elavon Transaction Risk Analysis can help your business make best use of Strong Customer Authentication exemptions up to €500 – and find the sweet spot between fraud management and improving your bottom line,” says Niall Caesar, Fraud Product Manager, leading on Transaction Risk Analysis for Elavon Europe.

“While the industry norm for exemptions tops out between €100 and €250, our below average fraud rates and expertise in this field means we can enable exemptions for transactions up to €500 across Europe,” he adds.

Customer feedback for Elavon TRA

Early adopters of Elavon Transaction Risk Analysis (TRA) are also impressed.

Paul Bolton, Head of Payments, easyJet:

“Elavon demonstrated an early appreciation for the potential impact of PSD2 and SCA on the travel industry, bringing together airlines and partners to share knowledge and ensure readiness for SCA well before the enforcement deadlines. 

“TRA exemption for transactions up to €500 has been key to easyJet maximising transaction approval rates while minimising customer friction and abandonment. With the benefit of the TRA exemption, authorisation levels remain high with no negative effect on our fraud rates.”

Marcus Riese, Senior Payment Specialist Ecommerce Europe, PUMA

“TRA provides PUMA with a technical approach to optimise our payment strategy and customer experience, keeping the authorisation rates high while reducing friction for payments rated as low risk.”

Martin Raschke, Senior Controller, Magix

“As a creator of cutting-edge software, it’s critical that our customers can shop securely on our website. PSD2 regulations make online payments safer, but the necessary security checks can frustrate consumers. TRA makes online checkout smoother and safer without annoying our customers, resulting in approval rates of around 95%. Well done, Elavon!”

Elavon TRA is also attracting industry accolades

  • Best Service to Business in the Card and Payment Awards 2022. Also nominated for Best Technology Initiative.
  • Award for Innovation for Elavon TRA project leader at the EMEA Women in Payments Awards 2022.
  • Silver in the Best B2B Payments Programme category in the UK Emerging Payments Awards of 2021.

Download our whitepaper and frequently asked questions

If you’d like to find out how Elavon TRA could help your business, talk to us.


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